Beiträge von Enhancer

    I haven't found a commission number starting with Ax for my order. I don't think it exists for orders from Finland. Production week was week 3 for me, but no further updates yet. Preview has been gone for me too for a couple of weeks now.

    In you can go to the Developer Console (F12) -> Network, then refresh the page. You should be able to see files with names starting with some number and ending with your 6-digit order number. In my case it's xxx2021<my order number>. Open the one with largest size, and all the equipment details including software version will be there. It asks for username/password. Ignore :)

    Thank you for this. I managed to find the details from the source code yesterday. No surprises there though. SW10, without Park assist etc. I have VIN now, dealer system shows status in transit at factory and today is the birthday. 🍾 It even came up in We Connect ID :).

    Looking good. VIN is there, Digital handbook is there, car is now visible in We Connect ID and today shows as a manufacturing date although status is still in production (detail 8. In transit at factory)

    VIN available in dealer tracking, not production complete though. Myvw doesn’t show VIN yet. Also found software details etc from the source code of the myvw site, wonder why no-one could tell me that here even if I asked for it multiple times. No memory parking for me either.

    Is there a way to dig this Axxxxx commission number from myvw or anywhere else? My order number from the Finnish dealer is 6 numbers, no letters and with that I somehow managed to add the car to myvw still. I think I added it first to and them logged in to after that.

    Confirmed production week 2, went to production week 3 wednesday and status still is ”in production” preview image gone from myvw for over 2 weeks now, accessory details there. Nothing about software version anywhere.

    Seit Emden Anfang Dezember in den Ausstattungsdetails aufgetaucht ist, bin ich sehr ruhig. Seitdem habe ich myVolkswagen nur ein paar Mal besucht. Der Grund dafür ist, dass ich bereits darüber informiert wurde, dass die Produktion für Woche 3 geplant ist. Jetzt ist Woche 3 da, und die nächste Phase hat begonnen. Ich werde myVolkwagen wieder besuchen, um zu sehen, wann die Ausstattungsdetails verschwinden und wann die FIN erscheint. Bis jetzt hat sich nichts geändert.

    Nach den mir mitgeteilten Terminen sollte die Montage bis Freitag abgeschlossen sein. Ich hoffe, VW hält sich dieses Mal an den Plan. Nach den Erfahrungen der letzten 18+ Monate rechne ich mit weiteren Verzögerungen.

    I had week 2 confirmed, and still have. Nothing has happened in myvw or on my dealers system, still week 2.

    Some other waiter had 51 as confirmed manufacturing week and his car went into production on this week 2.

    There is still hope for next week production then :).

    Got my production week 02/2023 confirmed 11.12.2022, for ID.4 GTX ordered 13.10.2021.

    Emden production process (Fertigungsablauf Emden) has been in the accessory list for at least 4 weeks.

    Also model care week 45 (Modellpflege KW 45)

    Special backdrop VE (Sonderkulanz VE)

    PU: Special backdrop 2023 I (VE: Sonderkulanz 2023 I)

    Car preview picture vanished 2 weeks ago. Should there be some other information to dig from the system?

    Model year visible in my local Finnish tracking shows model year 2023, and interior color UG.